Reiki and Hopi Ear Candling


Reiki and Hopi Ear Candling work really well together as the Practitioner will usually have one free hand available to treat the crown while allowing the other hand to steady the ear candle while allowing the candle to burn which can take approximately 12 - 15 minutes for each ear to be treated. 

I was blown away by my very first experience with Hopi Ear Candling as I had always had bother with blocked ear canals since I was young and it could often affect my hearing. 

There was nothing the Doctors could do... My Doctor said, maybe you just have narrow ear canals?  But Hopi Ear Candling helped me get my hearing back to normal and my ear canals feel as clean as a whistle. "My hearing improved 100%" I clean my ears using this method of Hopi Ear Candling at least every 3 months as routine maintenance and it has a lasting effect for me. 

Shortly after my healing experience with Hopi Ear Candles... I was fortunate enough to have had the opportunity to attend The Scottish Beauty School where I studied and completed a course and gained my certificate on Thermal Auricular Therapy back in August 2017 which is the known Academic term for Hopi Ear Candling.

As a Certified Jikiden Reiki Practitioner and Certified Hopi Ear Candling Practitioner, I give my clients the option to choose from Reiki (Hands-on) in person treatments or distance healing where clients can receive Reiki remotely. In addition to that I also offer a combined wellness experience with Reiki and Hopi Ear Candling together as a 1 hour or up to 2 hour treatment.

Paul Nulty | Zen Life Wellness | Certified Jikiden Reiki Practitioner, Events Promoter and Holistic Health Coach

P.S. I hold regular wellness workshops for our online community and local community both online and offline events. See Website for more information.

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